Saturday, May 24, 2008

"Beautiful" Nauvoo

The temple in Nauvoo is absolutely gorgeous! It was a special privilege to go there.

The Nauvoo restoration was very fun. The whole village is filled with senior and sister missionaries dressed in pioneer clothing recounting the tales from the 1840's. It took 3 days to see everything and hear all the stories. It was fun to think of all the things that they did back in those days and nice to think of all of our modern conveniences ...

Note that it took us 10 hours to drive from Kirtland to Nauvoo and we thought that was a long trip ... it took the pioneers weeks to get there by wagons and handcarts. Plus a one room log cabin with dirt floors was luxurious compared to living in a wagon. Aren't we glad we live in our day?

Kirtland, OH - 5/19/08

The N. K. Whitney store was restored from the original building in Kirtland. The N. K. Whitney home was rebuilt in the original location along with the Sawmill, Ashery, and Schoolhouse. This was a fun stop to see the 'School of the Prophets' and learn the importance of the sawmill and ashery in church history.

The final product made at the Ashery, Pearl Ash, sold for $100-$200 a barrel. A substantial profit when considering it only cost about $7.50 in labor, materials and production. N. K. Whitney gave to proceeds from the sales to help build the Kirtland temple. Very generous indeed!

We also toured the Kirtland temple, didn't get any photos because of problems with the camera :(

Harmony/Susquehanna River

We made a stop where Harmony, PA used to be (no longer exists) and found the Aaronic Priesthood monument, graves of Emma's parents and her first son Alvin, and the foundation where Joseph and Emma's home used to stand.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Palmyra Day 2

Here are some pictures from day 2 in Palmyra, we visited the Smith Farm, Grandin Building, Whitmer Farm, and the Sacred Grove (part of the smith farm). Here are the pictures.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Made it to Palmyra

We made it to Palmyra! Here are the first photos and videos from our trip. We attended the Temple and visted the Hill Cumorah.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

2007 Caribbean Cruise

Though it was last August. Here are a couple of slideshows with some of the photos from our 2007 Caribbean cruise.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A little background

We met in January of 2000 and were married in August of 2002.

We just moved into our new house in West Jordan, UT in September of 2007. We really love it.

We both currently work for ADP National accounts. Many people ask how we can stand working together at the same company ... it's simple. We can car pool to work together, go to lunch together ... and we work in separate buildings ;-) Really, we get along amazingly well and don't mind working together at all!

Cameron has recently started a freelance company doing graphic design. She is very talented and loves it. Her website and portfolio can be found online at

Nate is finishing his degree in business management. He also has a passion for real estate investing. Big things are in store with this and he will be releasing a website in the near future. Stay tuned!